Gotta tell story later.stop. Big wow very cool.stop.OK. Storytime... so photographer Chris Gomez is Browsing Asylum Press titles at San Diego and proprietor Frank Forte directs his attention to the Bomb etc. (Good work Frank!)Chris is excited and contacts me with words of praise and threatening cosplayism with the lovely Loretta Vampz. Long and behold, who walks in to Big Wow comic fest? Fearless Dawn and HELGA! They looked so great I think some people thought I paid them. Honestly, they paid me! Loretta is a natural born saleswoman and grabbed some books to try to sell walking the con floor and later at their booth.. Some fearless Dawn books. How many did she sell? Freakin' ALL of 'em.

What a wonderful thing to happen. I'm a bit awestruck to be honest.Awesome. Special Thanks Chris Gomez Photography
LINK-Models Loretta Vampz
LINK and Alyssa Anne
LINK...still time for
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